The adventure has already begun

Rioveggio - 624 days to the start

It was raining in Rioveggio the first time we went to refine the agreements with Stefano Ruggeri. We met him the year before at his booth, in the fair of Vintage car in Padua. Our project was taking shape: defy all odds, racing the Beijing-Paris with two Fiat 500, the car of the world's smallest mass. We decided they had to be badged Rome so everybody could understand where we came from immediately, even in China ... Of course, the preparation is elaborate and complex, we will have to travel together to divide issues, and mechanical parts. But inevitably we will collect "sympathy" (our reputation has already arrived in Argentina) and maybe it will be less difficult to find sponsors. Every now and then, seeing one on the road, we immediately try  to evaluate the spaces, to think where we will arrange the bags, medicines, spare parts, computer and photographic equipment. And the spare tire? On the front panel of the car or on the roof? And, above all, can we get it tall enough? Will we manage to drive it into the deep furrows on the tracks in Mongolia and Siberia? Will we endure our back pain in the evening, after the 10-12 canonical hours of each stage? To all the doubts, we answer, optimistically: yes!
