From Singapore to Mandalay, a month of fighting, but Gerry Crown (83 years, two triumphs to theBeijing-Paris) this time could not do it. Porsche of Peter and Zoe Lovett had won. And think that just the penultimate day Crown was able to get back in the lead with just two seconds ahead. Last stop was a mixed route with media tests and secret checks. Crown had a ten-second penalty, the Lovett took seven. And so, only for a second Porsche won! Among the pre-war cars, the Chevrolet Fangio Coupe had the three steps of the podium. But the more convinced and sincere applause goes to David and Karen Ayre who once again completed a grueling rally aboard their immortal Itala of 1907!
Philip Young, the organizer, had an unfortunate accident. To facilitate the passage of the competitors, he was going back and forth on a motorcycle on the border between Burma and Thailand. He fell to the ground and hit his head. The medical staff has made to transfer him to the hospital in Bangkok.