Tribal sacrifices and wedding invitations

Bijaipur - Deogarh

The fort largest and most prestigious of all Rajasthan is located in Chittorgarh and surrounds a huge rocky hill. To get in, you must pass six gates and if you  go with the car ​​in the building, you must ride for six kilometers. In short, an impregnable castle? Oh no, it was conquered three times and three times there was the jauhar, the tribal sacrifice: while the army - rather than accept the dishonor of defeat - compact went to his death, all the women sacrificed themselves by jumping into the fire. Even Agneta Puddu has been on the verge of practise jauhar when the radiator of her Volvo, shortly after the start, was warmed up too much. We, good rally drivers by chance, we gave the right advice: "Put the water inside”. Chittor is really extraordinary for extension and monuments. We were very impressed by the Tower of Victory, nine floors all inlaid, 37 meters tall, towering and suspended on this walled plateau that seems to float in the sky like a big ship in the sea. The picnic fritters of potatoes was so spicy that even now (it is evening) just a yawn can exterminate mosquitoes of this beautiful Deogarh Mahal where we are staying. We will stay also tomorrow and we may accept the offer that has been made ​​along the way from the only Indian seen in undershirt, in a village of mud and rags: a wedding invitation in parchment paper, elegant and fragrant.